
How do I end the tenancy?

Every landlord will eventually face a situation in which they need to evict a tenant.


If you want your tenant to move on earlier than planned, however, there are certain rules you must follow before showing them the door and these vary slightly from State to State.

Even if an agreement has a fixed end date, you will need to give the notice to end the tenancy.

Because the tenant's rights to remain in the property are protected, if you want to end the tenancy, you should check:

• The reasons allowed for giving notice in your State to end a tenancy agreement
• Whether the notice needs to be given on an official notice or form
• How much notice you need to give before the end of the tenancy agreement

If this isn’t done, they run the risk of causing an unnecessary delay in getting back possession of their property or having to start the process all over again.

Here’s what you need to know…

During 2020 all states amended their legislation due to Covid19 to protect tenants during this challenging period.

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Jason Gwerder
Tuesday, 23 February 2021

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