Tenants parking in the visitor bays, tenants parking in the wrong bays
and visitors who overstay their welcome by using a parking space as their own
private space are all potential causes of dispute.
Nothing is more frustrating for a unit occupant than finding a
stranger’s vehicle in their car space, especially when they have groceries in
the back seat and nowhere else to park in the street.
It’s very common for people to rent a one-bedroom apartment but own two cars.
Their second car is then parked in the visitor bay or someone else’s
park and this causes a lot of issues.
RealRenta has all the tools that a property manager
has, but at over ¼ the cost of a property manager.
Join now and the cost is less than a cup of coffee a
week to manage your rental property
RealRenta also has a free vision, so why not check it
Jason Gwerder
Thursday, 25 March 2021