
What can RealRenta do for you?

What can RealRenta do for you?


RealRenta automates the whole process of managing your tenants - at a fraction of what property managers charge.

As part of our service, you are allocated your very own RealRenta guide, who will help you with every step of the process.


Tenants can pay their rent via BPAY or Direct Debit (one-off or automated payments).

RealRenta will automatically notify your tenants by email and text message if their payment is late and will even send out a breach notice when necessary.

RealRenta will track the rent, raise invoices and receipts which is a legal requirement.


Advertising on www.RealRenta.com.au gives you access to:


Free Advertising on Rent.com.auHomely.com.au, and Domain.com.au
Free Standard Ads on Realestate.com.au (for Landlords who are full subscribers - paid users) otherwise

$39 Standard Ad onRealestate.com.au (one-off fee)
$149 for Featured Ads on Realestate.com.au (seen before Standard Ads)
$298 for Highlighted Ads on Realestate.com.au  (recommended if you need tenants ASAP - Bigger ad and seen before Featured and Standard Ads - One-off fee)
Free Advertising onRealRentaSocial Media sites (Facebook, Linked In & Twitter)


RealRenta Bad Tenant Checks will alert you if an applicant has been previously blacklisted by a former landlord or property manager ($25 each).

All communication can be done through the platform, so no more he said she said

Also, tenants have their own platform to see their lease, rent ledger, etc.

They can put in maintenance requests etc all form the platform

And much more.


Right now, at RealRenta Join now and get 50% off the normal low price:
That’s the cost of 1 cup of coffee a week to manage your rental property


RealRenta also has a free vision, so why not check it out


Jason Gwerder
Monday, 12 October 2020

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