
The Conveyancing Process- A guide for RealRenta Landlords

The job of a conveyancer is to provide advice and information about the sale of a property, prepare the documentation and conduct the settlement process, which typically goes through these 6 steps:


·       The contract of sale

This is generally prepared by the sellers’ agent. The buyer’s conveyancer reviews the contract and negotiates any changes before both parties sign and a deposit is paid.

·       Searches and inspections

The buyers’ conveyancer will typically order inspections and Property searches.  The buyer’s obligation is not fixed until all the contract conditions are satisfied.

·       Pre-settlement Preparation

A conveyancer will keep the buyer informed of costs and miscellaneous charges throughout the process 

·       Settlement Day

The conveyance will accompany you at the settlement. Buyer and Seller exchange legal documents and the remaining purchase price paid. Final adjustments are made for any taxes, rental fees and release of existing mortgages.

·       Post Settlement

The buyer’s lender will notify relevant authorities of the change in ownership and lodge transfer documents with the Land Titles Office.

RealRenta Landlords can save up to $1,200 or more per year in fees, doing away with agent inefficiencies for good, whilst maintaining a professional veneer as a landlord.

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Jason Gwerder
Friday, 27 September 2019

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